DoD Instruction 5400.17
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Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
Educate, Engage, and Empower each student to succeed in a dynamic world.
We are a community that educates, engages, and empowers students to prepare them to be productive lifelong learners and citizens in a 21st Century global world.
In 1967 Brewster Junior High School served grades six through eight. In 1971 it became a non-graded junior high school housing 679 students in grades seven and eight. During school year 1989-90, the school was renamed to Brewster Middle School and added sixth grade. The current Brewster Middle School was completed in April of 2001 and is the only middle school on Camp Lejeune. It is designed to house 750 students in grades six through eight. There are four technology labs in addition to a gymnasium, a multipurpose room, and an information center. The design supports the middle school team planning, exploratory learning, and advisor/advisee groups.
Brewster Middle School was named in honor of Brigadier General David Lukins Shoemaker Brewster. Brigadier General Brewster was born in Washington, D.C. on December 31, 1887. In December of 1910 he was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps. In 1917 he was selected as a Marine aviator as he was qualified to pilot airplanes, dirigibles, and balloons. He became an instructor at Quantico, VA in 1925 and in 1934 he served with the Fourth Marines in Shanghai. In September of 1941 he became Commanding Officer, Barracks Detachment in New River, North Carolina. He was assigned to duty with the First Marine Amphibious Corps in 1943. He passed away in 1945 and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Brigadier General Brewster was awarded the Legion of Merit award for actions during World War II.
Brewster Middle School is the only middle school on Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, and the school has grades six through eighth. It has gone through several transformations and has occupied three different buildings at Camp Lejeune. Brewster Junior High School was established in 1967, educating students of grades six through eight. In 1971, Brewster Junior High School became a non-graded, junior high school educating students in grades seven and eight. During School Year (SY) 1989- 1990, Brewster moved to the old Lejeune High School building, which now is called the Russell Building, and became a true middle school, with grades six through eight. In November 2001, the staff and students of Brewster Middle School relocated to the current building. Brewster Middle School was named in honor of Brigadier General David L. S. Brewster, who served as Commanding Officer, Barracks Detachment at New River, 1941-1943.
Camp Lejeune is part of Jacksonville, NC, which is located in Onslow County. It is the home of the Expeditionary Forces in Readiness. It is also the largest Marine Corps Base in the eastern United States. Another community in which students who attend Brewster Middle School live is Marine Corps Air Station New River, which is located about 12 miles from the main base of Camp Lejeune. New River Air Station is the home of 2d Marine Aircraft Wing units.
Students who attend Brewster Middle School live aboard Camp Lejeune or the Marine Corps New River Air Station. There are several housing areas aboard the main base and two aboard the Air Station. Students also may live in one of four other housing areas which are located off the main installation and include Knox Cove, Tarawa Terrace I and II, and Midway Park.
Although our student population has a high mobility rate, our students receive a quality education. The Brewster Middle School vision statement is “Communities combining their strengths to promote success for all students.” Our mission is to “Educate, Engage, and Empower Each student to succeed in a dynamic world.” The students are assigned to a team, and their team teachers teach them language arts, math, science, and social studies. In addition to these core curriculum courses, the students are assigned to exploratory classes, with input from their parents. Exploratory classes include physical education, health, art, Spanish, band, and music. Our curriculum includes Spanish I and Algebra I for high school credit for eligible students. Other high school credit classes can be offered to eligible students through the DoDEA Virtual High School. Special needs students receive services based on their individual education program, and our school provides a continuum of services. Advisory sessions include information on career awareness, developmental guidance, bullying, and character education.
We stress mastery of the DoDEA curriculum standards, and we have worked to meet the DoDEA Community Strategic Plan goals and AdvancED accreditation requirements. As a result, our school has achieved gains on the Terra Nova Multiple Assessment (standardized test), especially in math. Also, the Scholastic Reading Inventory and our local assessment data have shown improvement in our students’ academic performance consistently.
Brewster Middle School has good partnerships with parents, our PTA, the adoptive unit 2nd Tank Battalion, and the Camp Lejeune community. This has helped us to provide resources and educational opportunities that enhance the curriculum and complement the instructional activities. Also, volunteer support from different military units has helped many of our school activities, including the Patriotic Show, school dances, standardized test proctoring, study/field trips.
In addition to their academic classes, the students have the opportunity to participate in different school-sponsored activities. The following are the school-sponsored activities that we offer:
Brewster Middle School is part of DoDEA, a world-wide school system. We believe in educating the whole child; by that, we look at all aspects of the child’s life and work to address issues of concern. Students in our school learn principles and strategies for understanding knowledge and absorbing information. We are proud to be a DoDEA school, and we are proud to a part of the Camp Lejeune community.
Literacy Goal 1: By the end of SY 2024-2025, Brewster Middle School will increase the percentage of students in 6th grade who meet or exceed expectations as measured by the DoDEA CCRS Summative Assessment from 56% to 59%.
Literacy Goal 2: By the end of SY 2024-2025, Brewster Middle School will decrease the percentage of students who did not meet or partially met expectations in 6th grade literacy as measured by the DoDEA CCRS Summative Assessment from 18% to 15%.
Mathematics Goal 1: By the end of SY 2024-2025 Brewster MS will increase the percentage of students who meet or exceed expectations in 6th grade Math as measured by the DoDEA CCRS Summative Assessment from 36% to 39%.
Mathematics Goal 2: By the end of 2024 -2025 Brewster Middle School will decrease the percentage of students who did not meet or partially met expectations in 6th grade Math as measured by the DoDEA CCRS Summative Assessment from 30% to 27%.